Completing Product Mapping to Improve Nexus Accuracy

In Galvix Nexus Tracker, product mapping can be done on either the Products page or the Transactions page. Here's a guide on completing product mapping to enhance Nexus accuracy:

Transactions Page

  1. Go to the Transactions page.
  2. On the Transactions page, you can find transactions with error statuses in the ‘All’ tab or navigate to the ‘Action Required’ tab to focus on transactions with errors. These errors might be due to missing product type and category assignments.
  3. Click on a transaction with a product mapping error to access detailed information about the issue. The system provides insights into the specific error, guiding you on the necessary steps for resolution.
  4. On clicking "Update Now", the system opens a form that allows you to enter the product type and category.
  5. Assign the appropriate product type and category to ensure accurate taxation under different states.

Products Page

Alternatively, you can enhance accuracy by navigating to the Products page. Here, you have an overview of all products.

  1. Go to the Products Page.
  2. Here, you can find products with errors in the ‘All’ tab or navigate to the ‘Action Required’ tab to focus on products with errors.
  3. Click on edit in products where there's an error, this opens a form that allows you to enter or modify the product type and category.
  4. Assign the appropriate product type and category.

Additionally, you can utilize the "Bulk Edit" feature on the "Products" page to map multiple products simultaneously.

  1. Select multiple products that require the same type and category assignments.
  2. Click on "Bulk Edit".
  3. Assign the product type and category in the form that appears.
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