Updating Customer Addresses to Improve Nexus Accuracy

Accurate customer information ensures that tax calculations align with the correct jurisdiction, contributing to improved accuracy in determining nexus status.

  1. Go to the Transactions page.
  2. You can find transactions with error statuses in the ‘All’ tab or navigate to the ‘Action Required’ tab to focus on transactions with errors. These errors might be due to missing or incomplete customer addresses.
  3. Click on a transaction with a customer address error to access detailed information.
  4. Within the transaction details, click on 'Update now'. It will open a form to resolve address errors.
  5. You can either manually enter the missing address details, including country, address line(s), city, state, and ZIP code, or utilize the address lookup feature within the form to search and select the correct address which will autofill all relevant fields.
  6. Click on 'Save'

Updating customer addresses enables Galvix to determine the jurisdiction, ensuring compliance with regional tax regulations.

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