Reviewing and Filing Returns

Reviewing and filing returns is the critical final stage in the Managed Returns process. This section guides businesses through the steps of reviewing return-ready reports, ensuring accuracy, and seamlessly filing sales tax returns with the respective tax authorities.

  • Listing Page Overview:

    Access the Managed Returns Listing to view a summarized overview of your return-ready reports. These reports are generated based on your transaction data and are designed to meet the compliance requirements of different tax jurisdictions. This page is carefully categorized into Action Required, Approved and Filed and tabs to make it easier for you to find what you are looking for. You can click on a return to view more details about it and take actions.

  • Accessing ready for review returns:

    Returns which are ready for review appear under the ‘Action Required’ tab.

  • Thorough Review:

    Conduct a thorough review of each report, ensuring the accuracy of transaction details, tax liabilities, exemptions, and any other relevant information to ensure accuracy.

  • Approval Confirmation:

    Once all concerns are addressed, confirm the approval of the return-ready reports. This step indicates your readiness to proceed with the filing process.

  • Auto-approval:

    If returns aren’t manually approved by the user within the date of approval deadline, it will be automatically approved by the system.

  • Filing:

    Returns that were approved will be filed by Galvix before the tax due date of the respective jurisdiction.

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